Thursday, December 26, 2019
Racial Discrimination in The US - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 821 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Dear sister, I am writing to you because of the racial discrimination that a lot of African Americans face in the United States. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Racial Discrimination in The US" essay for you Create order Racial discrimination involves the thought that various races are more superior to other races in the community. Racial discrimination in the United States has been the most important issue since the colonial as well as the slave era. Lawfully approved racial discrimination forced a severe burden on the African Americans. European Americans were from the start at an advantage since the ruling favored them in issues of literacy standards, acquisition of land as well as voting rights. The first racially structured establishments at the time comprised slavery, residential schools for American natives and also confinement camps. However, racial bias became prohibited in the middle of the 20th century, but politics on race remained a critical phenomenon in the territory of America. Racial discrimination unrelentingly took place in all institutions of the community including education sectors, employment, and shelter as well as lending of loans. Segregation, as well as slavery, played a significant role amounting to inequalities as well as racism in America. Slavery was a form of forced labor which existed in the United States of America as an authorized institution. The first Africans landed in 1619, and that was the beginning of slavery. Forced labor steadily spread to regions which had productive soils where people grew high price cash crops. During the 18th century, imperial courts, as well as the legislatures, radicalized slavery. That formed a caste system where forced labor applied entirely to African Americans. On the other hand, American natives were also sporadically forced to slavery. Slavery became a delicate matter in the political affairs of the United States hence it became an issue of discussion when drafting the constitution. Also, it became the biggest problem in the cases of the Supreme Court. Slaves resisted the validation of slavery as well as the entire association which supported it. To demonstrate their disappointment, they held rebellions. Consequently, they escaped slavery by migrating to Canada as well as nonslaves states. They fought to create their culture. Although white laws, as well as stereotypes, silenced them, Africans created their own distinct culture. They mixed their traditions as well as Christian ideas and formed a religion, their version of Christianity. Their rebellions, although infrequent as well as small, were used to express their beliefs on slavery and add to their culture. The slave desire for liberty as well as freedom became an important part of African American culture. Thus, activists of abolitionism such as Martin Lut her King were regularly engaged in moral as well as political discussions in an attempt to promote the establishment of Free States as western development proceeded. Slavery was the key theme which led to the beginning of the civil war in America. When the Union won the war, forced labor became prohibited all over the United States. My sister, in spite of significant steps in racial parity, the lasting consequences of slavery, as well as racism, is still evident today. Black women like you may experience some of the inequities, disparities as well as injustices across the social as well as the economic order. Compared with white women you shall have high levels of poverty as well as unemployment. Also, you are more likely to be targeted by and come in contact with the system of the criminal justice. Black women get subordinated in that way because patterns of race, class, domination a well as gender get built into the structure of the society. Racial discrimination, in other words, is socially or structurally patterned. Too often explanations of those perceptions suggest that culture, as well as biology, is the key. I argue that race, as well as gender, is important only since they are socially ranked. It is the social reaction to the color as well as the sex that result in discrimination. Although we don’t reduce the relevance of ethnicity, the challenge with cultural diversity as the key explanations of racial discrimination is the inclination to marginalize each cultural grouping, to view it as distinctive, and also to imply that every culture varies from some supposed standard. That regularly leads to blaming other individual’s cultural practices as well as values thus leading to racial discrimination. It is, therefore, the right time that the civil right act, which covers discrimination towards race or color, comes into a real performance as well as action. It is worthy to claim that African American s especially women get deprived of their human rights. Therefore my sister, the nongovernmental organizations that you are working with should augment campaigns against racial discriminations without facing threats or fear of the authority. We African Americans must familiarize with our rights and carry a harsh campaign against discrimination. Also, we should press the local government to protect minority groups like us from discrimination so as to enhance the well-being of each citizen.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Breakdowns of Accountability by Baker Essay Example
Essays on Breakdowns of Accountability by Baker Essay The paper "Breakdowns of Accountability by Baker" is a brilliant example of an essay on finance and accounting. Accountability is a term that goes beyond the financial accounting aspect, into requiring a moral and compassionate angle of caring for the other (Baker, 2). The fact that there were many people who perished during the catastrophic Hurricane Katrina in the New Orleans State of the USA is an indication that the moral aspect of accounting is lacking. Institutional racism was a major contributor to the deaths that were accounted for, considering the fact that most of the affected families were black, old and poor, thus the relevant state and government officials did not take adequate care of the victims (Baker, 10). Rather than the application of the compassionate/moral accountability during such a catastrophe, the officials responsible applied the calculative accountability, which then made them neglect many victims in horrendous conditions, to avoid accounting for them finan cially (Baker, 3). Despite the accurate predictions that the Hurricane Katrina would be devastating, both President Bush’s administration and the local authority did not take precautionary measures to address the warning until after 36 hours, when many people had died, hundreds of thousands displaced and property worth hundreds of billion US dollars had been destroyed. ViewpointInstitutional racism accounts for the huge damage that occurred in New Orleans State during Hurricane Katrina, merely because the state and national government officials failed to give adequate professional and humanitarian services to the affected families because of their race and social status. While financial accounting is essential for ensuring the prudent usage of resources, it is wise and humane to go beyond the financial accountability during disasters and engage moral and companionate accountability that entails offering professional services to save lives and property, without due regard to the financial cost implications.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Consumer Behavior In Context Of Forecourts †
Question: Discuss about the Consumer Behavior In Context Of Forecourts. Answer: Introduction: Concept ofmarketing initiates with the evaluation of needs of the consumers and behavior for meeting these needs. The main issue in this context is to learn the facts considered by the consumers while choosing any brand. Study of these facts is known as consumer behavior. It can be said that consumer behavior is that subset of the human behavior which deals with the decisions and acts of the consumers while purchasing any product or service. As stated by walters Bergeil (1989), consumer behavior consists of those decisions and related activities of the individual which particularly involved the purchasing and using of the economic goods and services. As stated by the Schiffman Kanuk (1991), consumer behavior is considered as the behavior of the consumers which reflect at the time of searching, buying, using, assessing and positioning of the products and services which they expect will fulfill their needs. TheAmerican Marketing Association defines the behavior of consumer, and as per this association behavior includes the vibrant communication of thought, behavior and events of environment through which human beings demeanor the argument aspects of their lives. It must be noted that, single point of exiting the study of consumer behavior theory is the intra-individual approach, as this approach focus on the decision-making of individual consumers. This theory is considered as the activity which helps in resolving the issue and involves number of steps. The main decision for this purpose is made by the consumer, whether to purchase the product or not while engaged in specific buying situation. However, in some particular categories of the product, choice of store is considered as more important by the consumer in comparison of choice of a brand, and it also involve a difficult set of decision criteria. Consumers visit different stores for the purpose of purchasing different types of products, but motive of consumers for shopping is generally different from the purchasing a specific product (Robertson, 1970). Generally, there are two main motives of consumers for engaging in the shopping that are personal and social motives. This paper discuss the retail consumer behavior in context of Forecourt Retailer, and for this purpose structure of consumer behavior report includes different sections such as concept related to consumer behavior, attitude of consumer decision making process, family tribes and virtual groups etc. lastly, paper is concluded with brief conclusion which summarize key facts of this report. About Forecourt Retailers: Long ago, forecourts were only used for filling up the fuel, but now things had been changed. Presently, they convert themselves in the most convenient shops and enter into direct competition with the traditional convenience stores. Generally, maximum number of shoppers visit the forecourt by car, and this provide the opportunity to Forecourt to increase the customer base, and this opportunity is generally not available to convenience stores because these stores are located in city centers or main roads with no parking available. Recent years witnessed major changes in the structure of forecourt, and 2005 is considered as that year in which revolution of shoppers perception initiated in context of forecourt. Now, shoppers treat the forecourts as a normal convenience store, and because of this reason it is necessary for retailers and suppliers to understand the importance of forecourts. In other words, now forecourts are not considered as petrol stations, but they are considered as a convenience store which also sells petrol. Therefore, these stores opened up different opportunities for food suppliers such as provide better offers to the forecourts for the purpose of attracting shoppers in the forecourt convenience stores. On the basis of above stated facts, it can be said that it is necessary for forecourts retailers to understand the behavior of the consumers (HIM, 2017). Consumer behavior its theories: Decision making process of consumers is considered as hot topic of debate which attracts the interest of various researchers from long time. There are number of economists such as Nicholas Bernoulli, John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern, who evaluated the basis of consumer decision making theory (Richarme, 2007). This early research only focuses on the economic outlook and only considers the piece of buying. The most important model in this context is utility theory which stated that consumer take their decision on the basis of the projected results of their decisions. Consumers are considered as balanced decision makers who only consider their own interest while taking the decisions (Schiffman kanuk, 2007). It must be noted that, where utility theory stated that consumer is a rational thinking man, contemporary research related to consumer behavior consider the large number of factors which influence the consumer, and it also recognize the large number of ingesting activities. Ge nerally, these activities consists the requirement of recognition, search of information, evaluation of alternatives, building of purchase intention, purchasing act, consumption, and lastly disposal. This also completes the view of consumer behavior which has evolved through different visible stages over the past century in context of new research methodologies and model approaches being adopted. However, this evolution is continuous in nature, and approach of consumer behavior reacted since 1950 only to the conception and growth of modern marketing for the purpose of ensuring the more universal range of activities and this directly influence the decision taking by consumers (Blackwell, 2001). This is shown in the contemporary definition of the consumer behavior that is, consumer behavior is considered as study related to the process which involves those situations when individuals or groups choose, buy, use, and dispose any product or service for the purpose of satisfying their nee ds and desires (Solomon, 2006) Schiffman Kanuk (2007) aso consider the similar approach for the purpose of defining the consumer behavior: behavior that displayed by the consumers while searching, buying, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their requirements. It can be said that maximum contemporary definitions of the consumer behavior are similar in scope. Reasoned action theory: in the late 1960s, this theory was created by the Fishbein and Icek Ajzen, and this theory mainly focuses on the pre-existing attitudes in the process of decision making. This theory base on the approach that, consumers act on a behavior which relies on their intention for creating and receiving particular results. In this analysis, consumers are considered as balanced characters that choose to act in the best interest of their own. This theory stated that, specificity is important in the process of decision making and consumer only takes any particular action when there is equally particular result expected. It must be noted that consumer has power to change his mind and decide on different course of action (OHIO, n.d.). Consumer attitude models and measurement: There are number of models which can be used by the organization for evaluating the attitude of the consumers, and some of these are stated below: Tri-component model: Consumer involvement in Decision making process: Consumer involvement is considered as that state of mind which motivates the consumer to purchase the product, and it also consider the importance of the place of consumer on a product or service. It must be noted that there are three levels of involvement of a consumer in the decision making process, and different factors which influence the involvement of a consumer. Low involvement Medium involvement High involvement In this decision taken by consumers are considered as habitual decision, and it involves those products or services which are purchased by consumers on regular basis. This can be understood through example; low involvement decisions include groceries, laundry detergent, and household items. As these items are purchased by the consumers on continuous basis and in this customers knows what they want to purchase (Inspire one, n.d.). These decisions are simple in nature, as they are made in stores and do not involve much time. This can be understood through example; medium involvement decision include new pair of shoes, accessory, etc. in this consumers are more involved as compared to low involvement decision but they does not conduct any research on these product or service. High involvement decisions include those products or services which reflect the finances, personality, status and supporting lifestyle of the consumer. This can be understood through example; purchase house, car, and any other luxury item (Blomberg kyring, 2012). It must be noted that there are two set of factors which decide the degree of involvement in the decision making process: Nature of the product or service. Consumer psychology However, it is considered by expert degree of consumer involvement mainly depends on the risk taken by consumer while purchasing any product, which means higher the risk the more deep consumer involves (Choudhary, n.d.). Generally, there are almost five types of involvement which named as ego involvement, commitment, communication involvement, importance of purchase, and Extent of information secured (Rifon Trimble, 2002). Models of consumer involvement: Reference groups: A reference group is considered as that group who influence the decision of purchaser, and purchaser consider the perspectives of this group while taking his decision. It must be noted that reference group could be very large or very small, and this group generally includes family members and close friends. These groups set the lifestyle level and purchasing patterns. Reference groups are divided into two types that are primary groups and secondary groups (NPTEL, n.d.). Primary groups include those groups which basically include set of people with whom we met every day, and these peoples have direct and strong influence on the lives of consumers and also on their buying decisions. Primary groups make the person comfortable and give them feeling that they are with the person at the time of making the purchase decision. These people help the consumer by providing clear and honest advices, and because of this person get more confident in context of purchase. O the other hand, secondary reference group is considered as formal group and they communicate less frequently as compared to primary reference group. These groups generally include professionals, colleagues, seniors at work, etc. However, in case of secondary groups power to influence the consumers is less in comparison of the primary reference group, as they are not confortable in sharing their thoughts and views in the groups (Eszter, 2008). Some other reference groups in context of consumer behavior theory are stated below: Aspirational group: Aspirational group is considered as that group to which an individual desire to become a part. An individual is currently not the part of that group but wish to become part, and for this purpose an individual copy the existing members of that group. Dissociative group: this group is completely opposite from the group of aspirational people, as in this people deny to become or get connected to any specific group. In other words, people hate to become part of any particular group. It is necessary for Forecourt to identify such people and understand their needs such as likes and dislikes of the consumers, and also the groups to which such consumers belong. Forecourts must understand the degree up to which reference group influences the consumers and also which group influence the consumers most (Bray, n.d.; Shodhganga, n.d.). Family: Family of any consumer play most important role in their decisions such as parents, siblings, relatives all have different thoughts in context of any product. Following are the roles played by family in the decision making process of the consumer: Influencers these people are those who provide ideas and information related to any product or service to the consumer. Gate Keepers it include those members of the family who generally panel the information such as parent and siblings who provide information to the consumer in different ways. Decision Makers it includes the parents and other guardians of the consumer who possess right and power to take decision on the behalf of the consumer. They take their decision after completing the research and on the basis of results they purchase or dispose the product. Buyers it include those peoples who actually purchase the product. End Users it include those persons who finally use or consume the product (bailey, 2011). It must be noted that any consumer easily gets influenced by his family members and friends. Social class: It must be noted that, all the societies include division of members in a society into the hierarchy of different classes of society. Generally, social class is referred as amount of status possessed by the member of any particular class in comparison of members of other classes. Membership of social class is considered as main driver of the consumer attitude and behavior development. The measurement of any social class is concerned with the classifying individuals into the groupings of the social class. These groups are of particular value to the marketers, who use social classification as an effective tool for the purpose of identifying and segmenting target markets. Almost three methods are present for measuring the social class, and these three methods are subjective measurement, reputational measurement, and objective measurement. It must be noted that subjective measures rely on the self-perception of the individual, but measures related to reputation depends on the others perceptions. There is one more method that is objective measures, and under this method marketers use particular tools of socio economic either alone or in combination with others (Scribd, n.d.). Class structures usually range from class two to nine class, and the most frequent use of classification system includes almost 6 classes upper upper, lower upper, upper middle, lower middle, upper lower, and lower lower classes. It must be noted that profiles of these classes are reflected in the difference occurred in the attitudes, activities, and consumption habits of the consumers. This is the reason that marketers provide social class based market segment is of high importance. Forecourts can use Geo-demographic clustering technique in this context, this technique combines the geographic and socio economic factors for the purpose of locating concentration of customers with specific characteristics. Usually, marketers directed their attention towards the wealthy consumers, who reflect the fastest growing segment in our population. However, some marketers considered it extremely profitable as they can consider the needs of the non-wealthy consumers and hold strong position in the market. Forecourts must consider the needs and requirements of both the classes and try to manage their products and services in this context. Research has revealed the social class differences in the habits of clothing, home decoration, etc (management innovations, 2008). Understanding of the individual consumer: Motivation- this is another driving force which force them to take any particular action. As stated by the Maslow, proposition is the needs stated at one level and these needs must be at least partially satisfied before those at the next level become important in determining our actions. Customers also take their buying decisions on the basis of this theory. Conclusion: This report reflects number of different approaches for the purpose of modeling the behavior of the consumer and decision making process. It can be said that maximum contemporary definitions of the consumer behavior are similar in scope. Consumer behavior theory is the area which is subjected to broader research, and it is believed and expected that still there is hope to identify new approaches in this context. As stated above, consumer behavior is considered as the behavior of the consumers which reflect at the time of searching, buying, using, assessing and positioning of the products and services which they expect will fulfill their needs. It must be noted that, those approaches which are defined above in terms of consumer behavior fails to consider the role of ethics, social responsibility and altruism. Review in terms of the decision making models stated above highlights the choices of consumer and also identifies the key process that result in behavior of individual. Large number of variables has been theorized across the models, and each model has evidence to justify its inclusions while making attempts to explain the behavior. References: Bailey, J. (2011). Customer buying behavior at selected petroleum shops in Cape Town. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Blackwell, R. (2001). Consumer Behavior. 9th ed. Orlando: Harcourt. Blomberg, A. Kyring, O. (2012). Consumer Involvement and its Outcomes. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Bray, J. Consumer Behaviour Theory: Approaches and Models. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Cabanero, C. (2006). Consumer involvement in goods and service purchases. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Choudhary, A. Involvement of Consumers in Decision Making. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Eszter, T. (2008). The Role of Reference Group Influence in Consumer Behavior. Available at:,%20tezisek/Tezisfuzet_Angol.pdf. Accessed on 7th April 2018. HIM, (2017). Forecourt Retailing: Current Trends Opportunities. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Inspire one. How Involved Is Your Customer?. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Mack, S. (2018). Role of Perception in Consumer Behavior. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Management innovations, (2008). Social Class and Consumer Behavior. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. NPIEL. Consumer Behavior. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. NPTEL. Sociological Influences On Consumer Decision Making. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. OHIO. Four Consumer Behavior Theories Every Marketer Should Know. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Rai technology university. Understanding Consumer Behavior. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Richarme, M., (2007). Consumer Decision-Making Models, Strategies, and Theories, Oh My! Available from: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Rifon, N.J. and Trimble, C.S. (2002): An update on consumer involvement with products and issues: thirty years later, American Marketing Association. Conference proceedings. N 13, pp. 271-278. Robertson, T.S. 1970. Consumer Behaviour. Illinois : Scott, Foresman Company. 169p. Schiffman, G. Kanuk, L. 1991. Consumer Behaviour. 4th ed. London : Prentice-Hall International Inc. 680p. Schiffman, L. (2007). Consumer Behavior. 9th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Scribd. Social Class and Consumer Behavior. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Shodhganga. Consumer Attitude, Models and Measurement. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Shodhganga. Consumer behavior. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Shodhganga. Relative Influence Of Reference Groups On Product And Brand Choice Decisions. Available at: Accessed on 7th April 2018. Solomon, M., (2006). Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective. 3rd ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall. Walters, J. Bergiel, J. (1989). Consumer Behaviour: A Decision Making Approach. Cincinnati: South Westren Publishing Company. White, R. (2004), How people buy cars, Admap Journal, Vol. 39 No 3, pp. 41- 43.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Social Deterioration In The Crucible Essays - Salem Witch Trials
Social deterioration in "The Crucible" The deterioration of Salem's social structure precipitated the murders of many innocent people. Arthur Miller's depiction of the Salem witch trials, The Crucible, deals with a community that starts out looking like it is tightly knit and church loving. It turns out that once Tituba starts pointing her finger at the witches, the community starts pointing their fingers at each other. Hysteria and hidden agendas break down the social structure and then everyone must protect themselves from the people that they thought were their friends. The church, legal system and the togetherness of the community died so that children could protect their families' social status. Being isolated from any other group of people with different beliefs created a church led Puritan society that was not able to accept a lot of change. The church was against the devil, at the same time it was against such things as dancing and other premature acts. The reputation of the family was very important to the members of the community. When the girls were caught dancing in the woods, they lied to protect not just themselves but the reputation of their families. They claimed that the devil took them over and influenced them to dance. The girls also said that they saw members of the town standing with the devil. A community living in a puritan society like Salem could easily go into a chaotic state and have a difficult time dealing with what they consider to be the largest form of evil. Salem's hysteria made the community lose faith in the spiritual beliefs that they were trying to strictly enforce. The church lost many of its parishioners because the interest of the town was now on Abigail because people wanted to know who was going to be named next. When the church was trying to excommunicate John Proctor, there were not enough people at church to do it. The people were getting misled so far as to leave a dagger stuck in the door of their minister's house: Tonight, when I open my door to leave my house_a dagger clattered to the ground...There is danger for me.(128) were Parris' exact words. With the conveyer of God fearing for his life there was no longer anyone but Abigail to lead the community. The justice system is designed to protect the people that it serves but during the trials the accused witch had two choices, death or imprisonment. The punishment of death was given to all people that pleaded not guilty; the other punishment was to plead guilty and go to jail. John Proctor gave his view of the justice system when he said I like not the smell of this `authority' (29). And do you know that near to four hundred are in the jails from Marblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature?(85) said Danforth, describing the number of people that were in jail on charges of witchcraft. There were so many people executed that Hale commented there are orphans wandering from house to house; abandoned cattle bellow on the highroads, the stink of rotting crops hangs everywhere...(130) Salem was turning into a ghost town. With Abigail controlling the community, the church no longer getting the whole town to prayer, and an unjust legal system, it is natural that the people were in a state of total chaos. The unexplained was caused by the devil, so some members of Salem used the unexplained to their advantage. Mrs. Putnam told the truth when she said, There are wheels within wheels in this village, and fires within fires!(26) Mrs. Putnam did her share of spreading rumors after she heard that the girls were flying, so she asked Parris How high did she (Abigail) fly, how high?(11). These rumors happened because people did not want any blame put on to themselves. This `passing the buck' made people start fighting with one another such as Corey charging Putnam of having his daughter accuse a resident of witchcraft in order to get Corey's land. Abigail used her power of getting people to listen to her to her advantage when she charged Proctor's spouse with being a witch so Abigail could live with John. This again proves that Abigail had control of the town and the unexplained turned neighbor against neighbor. The social breakdown in Salem was the major factor in the tragedy that took the lives of many innocent people. There was more than one tragedy in The Crucible. The first was the murdering of many innocent people, and the second was that a community that was once very close had been broken apart. It appeared
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Why I Want to Be a Sports Agent Research Paper Example
Why I Want to Be a Sports Agent Research Paper Example Why I Want to Be a Sports Agent Paper Why I Want to Be a Sports Agent Paper KIN 2510 Career Goals and Internship Assignment While everyone else is screaming about the quarterback who just scrambled for a touchdown on fourth-and-seven, that guy at the end of your row may be pondering a different number a 3 percent agents fee on $20 million in guaranteed money, perhaps. . Money hungry, sneaky, dishonest, unscrupulous. These are words that some athletes would use to describe a sports agent that they’ve had bad dealings with. Even a casual football fan has seen the impact of that scramble in the run-up to the current season. This past summer, universities across the South found themselves embroiled in controversies regarding player agent relationships, and one coach Nick Saban, of national champion University of Alabama angrily compared some agents to pimps. A good agent can help a professional athlete attain financial and mental stability during and after his career. An incompetent or dishonest agent can ruin an athlete’s playing career and threaten his financial security for years afterward. I aspire to be a great sports agent in the field of football with hard work, hands-on experience, dedication, and perserverance. What exactly is a sports agent? A sports agent works to market an athlete or products that are related to that athlete to promote the athletes career within his or her given sport. This means that the sports agent is responsible for meeting with team owners, managers, coaches and other individuals to promote the athlete that they represent. Much of a sports agents day is spent networking, talking with other professionals in the sport and keeping abreast of current trends and information that may affect decisions that the agent recommends to the athlete. In team and individual sports the agent works to negotiate contracts that are in the best interest of the athlete. This usually means getting a better salary, making provisions for injuries, or taking other options in lieu of salary increases. The sports agent makes recommendations to the athlete as to which option is best for him or her or which options are better over the long-term as opposed to just short-term benefits. A professional athlete can protect himself from the disreputable agents by carefully choosing an agent and working closely with him. In summary, a good agent does more than help a layer convert his athletic skills into financial security. He protects his client’s rights and, as New York Yankee executive Cedric Tallis said, â€Å"keeps the player in a frame of mind where he can perform best for himself and his team†. The education required to become a sports agent includes a four-year college degree in business or a related major. Most earn a degree in either sports administration (not every school offers it), business administration, finance/accounting or law. A bachelors degree is almost required, although a lot of people even stay a few more years and earn a masters degree. The future sports agent may then also follow that with a law degree. Attending school is usually not enough. Aspiring sports agents will also need to intern and again experience working with a sports agency. If nothing is available, a lot of aspiring agents work somewhere in sports until an agency position opens up. The agent must also understand the market his or her professional athlete plays for. You need to understand what other players of your clients caliber are making, keep a close tab on the market and form a strong relationship with the owner and (sometimes) coach of the team. Sports agents need to have excellent communication skills. They must sell a service, which in this case is a professional athlete. They must present outstanding sales skills like persuasion, persistence and dedication. Agents also need to form a tight bond with the athletes they work for. The career path for a sports agent isn’t as easy as it looks. You aren’t instantly a millionaire either. Almost all sports leagues require sports agents to be certified. For instance, the NFL requires all sports agents to not only have a post graduate degree but a specific certification as well. Certifications can range from paying a small fee and taking a few courses to spending time and gaining experience within the specific league. Needless to say, networking during these 7 or so years of education is key. Since sports agents are high in numbers and generally low in demand, it is necessary to put yourself in position with the right location and with the right people who can get you in where you want to be. The next step in moving your way up the ladder would be to scout some potential or up and coming sports professionals who you can represent. Chances are, if you do et the opportunity to represent an athlete, it will not be a big time professional right off the bat. Which is normal, your reputation is what you make of it, so starting small and following through will ultimately help you in the long run. Your success with one athlete will eventually attract others, and from there your reputation will begin to flourish. After gaining the degree, certification, experience, a nd clientele, it will be some time before you can really prosper. Big time sports agents have often times branched out of their specialized sport industry and gained clientele in other sports leagues after some time. In doing so, sports agents have the ability to represent a larger amount of professionals, and gain experience in a various amount of sports leagues. But be careful, each sports league has different requirements for its sports agents, how they can conduct business and how much they can charge for their services. Getting to know your league, sport, and industry is key. There are several websites listing endless internships. Whether they be paid or not should not matter when starting off. Experience is key. There is an internship opportunity from a law firm looking for a sports intern. I think that that would be a wonderful opportunity because it’s working with a law firm and so you get earlier hands on experience in the legal department than just interning for a sports team. Also, the Oklahoma City Redhawks have a job opening for Vice President in sponsorship sales. This opportunity would not be something that I would be interested in because I know almost little to nothing about baseball and the field in which I’m interested in doesn’t have much to do with selling sponsorships. But nonetheless it is a great opportunity for someone who is interested in that particular area. One particular internship that caught my eye was with USA Football. In Indianapolis, not far from where I live, a membership services intern is needed. There is compensation, and also I believe that it is a great starting internship because of its description. The job duties consist of researching youth football leagues throughout the USA currently in the database, entering additional league information into the internal database, responding to member inquiries received through online help desk as needed, and entering member data for affiliated organizations. It seems like a great way to get hands on in the business world of football. Even though it is for youth football, it is still experience. Sports agency is definitely the area I am most interested in, particularly the football field. With a lot of dedication, perserverence, hands-on knowledge and experience, I believe that I have what it takes to dominate in this field. Internship Sources Internship 1- sportsagentblog. com/2010/11/03/sports-law-internship/ Internship 2- http://pclbaseball. teamworkonline. com/teamwork/r. cfm? i=35768 Internship 3- http://footballjobs. teamworkonline. com/teamwork/jobs/jobs. cfm/Internships? supcat=321#35320
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Strategic and Organisational Learning The WritePass Journal
Strategic and Organisational Learning Definition of strategy: Strategic and Organisational Learning Definition of strategy:Meaning of strategy:Definition of strategy as practiceStrategy as practiceRecursivenessAdaptationStrategy as practice in useWrong strategies could lead to disastersProduct, pricing and geographical focusBad strategies and its problemsConclusionReferencesRelated Definition of strategy: â€Å"A strategy is a way through a difficulty, an approach to overcoming an obstacle, a response to a challenge.†(Rumelt, 2011) Meaning of strategy: Strategy is basically a plan that is formulated by businesses and mostly top level managers that sets limitations and boundaries which organisations comply with in order to reach a particular goal. Strategy directly or indirectly is a means to achieving an organisations goals more effectively. It includes every organisational and managerial function such as planning, organising, goal setting, organisational structuring and adaptation to the everchanging environments. Therfore strategy is a vital part of every organisation and without a basic strategy or plan of action, every organisation will fail to survive in the ever competitive present business environment. Strategy is a very general term. There are many kinds of strategies that deal with every minor detail of organisational functioning. One of the more refined forms of strategy is a fairly new concept known as strategy as practice. Strategy as practice is a more practical managerial science that describes strategy as something that is practised within the organisation and functions that managers perform. Functions like strategy formulating and also the carrying out of these strategies .The definition below will help us have a better understanding of this subject. Definition of strategy as practice â€Å"Strategy a situated, socially accomplished activitystrategizing comprises those actions interactions and negotiations of multiple actors and the situated practices they draw on in accomplishing that activity†(Jarzabkowski, 2007) Strategy as practice For many years now the dominant academic perspective on strategic management has looked at strategy as something that organisations have. The strategy as practice perspective, on the other hand, looks at strategy as something people do. It is concerned with the practice of strategising, encompassing both the formulation of strategy and how strategies are put into action to deliver strategic renewal and change. It therefore asks questions such as: what do people do to develop strategies in organisations; how do they translate their strategies into strategic action and change in organisations; what competences are required for this; how do they actually use the concepts and tools that are advocated for strategic management; what is good practice in managing strategy?( As the statement above mentions that strategy as practice is a relatively new branch of strategic management, and is therefore still growing as a management science that people and organisations are slowly looking to for better solutions for strategising. This is because strategy has a direct effect on the performance of the organisation. Strategic concepts change as time passes and the business environment constantly changes, therefore strategy as practice is a new concept that holds new promises for the business world. â€Å"Strategy as practice is a new measure to revitalise strategic theory and bring about change from the conventional strategic thinking to addressing various important questions on the functioning of an organisation and how the functioning differs from organisation to organisation. However strategy as practice is a more cautious approach as there are already a number of approaches to strategic thinking for every minute detail of firm positioning and managerial cognition.It is widely believed that there is more to learn from the day to day practices of the firm than the formulation of theories and principles that govern conventional strategy. Observations made on the functioning of the firm help us relate between different theories.† (Jarzabkowski, 2002) According to Jarzabkowski strategy as practice has 3 core elements. They are Recursiveness, Adaptation and Strategy practice –in use. Recursiveness These theories are better explained by Jarzabkowski with the theories of structuration. Where the external environment which is a macro factor is used as a structure in which a lot of actors(managers) perform their day to day functions. And the interaction on a daily basis of actors with their environment on a daily basis as a practise is described as recursiveness of practice. Recursiveness is nothing but the daily routine of tasks and functions performed by managers. Recursiveness only occurs for tasks that are repetitive in nature i.e. tasks that have to be done repeatedly in order to gain recursiveness. Recursiveness is present at 3 levels- the actor, the organisation and the social institution. (Jarzabkowski, 2002) Adaptation Adaptation is a measure that has to be taken up by every organisation in order to adapt perfectly with its current environments in order to survive the constant changes of the environments in which the organisations function. Adaptation is a very important measure of strategic excellence. It show s to what extent an organisation or its manager are willing to go to keep the organisation afloat in the ever-changing macro environment. Adaptation is not only seen at a macro level but even at a micro level of the firm. Adaptive organisational structures, adaptive managerial tasks, adaptive functioning to the changing needs of a firm etc are also considered adaptation. .(Jarzabkowski, 2002) Strategy as practice in use Managers or professionals who are strategic practitioners are said to be knowledgeable, purposive and reflexive in nature. Therefore when they practice they have the ample knowledge to go about their functions, they are full of intent which helps them adhere to the strategic principles of goal seeking. Strategic actors who practice strategy are the ones who usually take the recursive and adaptive route to strategy and succeed in doing it the right way. Strategy as practice as they say is the correct way of looking at strategic theory cause its a more practical hands on approach that could save the organisations from strategizing wrongly. .(Jarzabkowski, 2002) Wrong strategies could lead to disasters Wrong strategies could lead to disasters. This statement is very valid one once we ve seen how many firms fail in the present market conditions. They fail because they are not able to keep in tune with the market requirements and adapt constantly. All this may only occur when a firm has its priorities wrong. Every company has its own strategies and these strategies are formulated and followed up in order to reach the firm’s long term and short term goals. When the strategy fails to take into consideration one of the vital elements from both the micro and macro factors , the firm may have a troubled future. Strategies should be formulated in such a way that they are flexible to change through time, they should be simplistic and goal oriented and should be for the better functioning of the firm and not to compete with other firms. As Michael porter has said â€Å" Bad strategy often stems from the way managers think about competition. Many companies set out to be th e best in their industry, and then the best in every aspect of business, from marketing to supply chain to product development. The problem with that way of thinking is there is no best company in any industry.†( Porter, 2006). Porter called this sort of competition â€Å"destructive competition†. It is when companies and managers try to outshine other companies through cut throat competition and instead of trying to increase the performance and better functioning standards of their firm they instead work on putting other companies down. This is because such managers believe that there is only one best company amongst several. But as porter has pointed out that there is no one best company. It depends on people s perspectives, choices, different situations, budgets, and needs. Therefore he says concentrating on strategies that increase the performance and output and organisational integrity of a firm may actually help instead of opting for the former. ( Porter, 2006). Although for this sort of strategizing. Managers have to look into their own firms and their own human resources and the strengths and weaknesses of the Strategy is a word that gets used in so many ways with so many meanings that it can end up being meaningless. Often corporate executives will confuse strategy with aspiration.†(Porter ,2006). He also says that managers and firms confuse their strategies with the firm’s visions and firm’s missions, which quite frankly is the wrong approach to motivating their workers. When you confuse the company’s visions and strategies you are bound to end up no where. Because Strategising necessarily doesn’t involve motivationg and envisioning. It simply just helps the firm find a pathway to success if anything. Product, pricing and geographical focus It is also said that strategies should help a firm decide on what products and services its going to sell in the market, what pricing its going to adopt, who it is going to compete with and most importantly its geographical area of focus for business is to be determined. All these minor details play a major role in organisational success. The art of doing all this together is what porter says, leads to successful strategizing. Doing several of these key functions simultaneously is very important to larger firms.(Porter,2006) Bad strategies and its problems â€Å"Bad strategy abounds†, says UCLA management professor Richard Rumelt. â€Å"Senior executives who can spot it stand a much better chance of creating good strategies.†(Rumelt,2011). Bad strategies are something that are very common. Managers think they have a strategy that will succeed but infact they don’t. They just make functioning a very difficult task for the firms due to listing down of some very demanding strategies that take more from the firm than they give. These strategies create a negative effect on the functioning of the firm. Because the goals seem very demanding and the managers and workforce are too stressed out to carry out the tasks asked of them.These strategies fail to solve the problem that the firms are actually facing. It is not based on realistic problems but based more on forecasted problems which could be wrong. A firm,s strategies should always be such that it helps solve the problems of the present as well as the future. Assuring an overall smooth ride. But not all strategies are like this. The one’s that fail miserably are coined as a bad strategy. These bad strategies can be a big negative effect on the firm. (Rume lt, 2011) There are strategies that mistake goals for strategies whereas the strategies themselves are only a means of achieving those very goals. Some strategies also have an absence of thought. They put in very sophisticated fancy words but lack any sense of thought or motive for the strategy basically making those strategies soul less. These are all bad strategies. While this may sound bad enough, there are strategies with no clear objectives or mission. These strategies as mentioned before have their priorites wrong. They are unsuccessful strategies from the very beginning. Conclusion Strategy as practice is a fairly new practice. Hence organisations and managers still don’t trust this method of strategising all that much. Many organisations still use the conventional method of goal-setting strategizing. Which basically is a prescribed way of going about various functions in order to reach its goals. While this may still be in fashion in most parts of the world and most of the organisations. The ever changing conditions of the market environments are asking for a change in the way organisations do business. For now it may be called the unconventional method of strategizing. But in a few years on, when its success catches on, businesses will see this as an option they may most certainly have to choose. This is because this method is a very flexible one, it keeps in mind both macro and micro influencing factors, It is also adaptive in nature and adapts to every situation that the organisation may be put in. As this strategy is not only set but is practise d at the same time, it is easy for managers to make corrections along the way and not have problems in the strategy being too rigid and unchangeable. Even if the organisations are choosing the conventional methods of strategising, they must always keep in mind the objectives and goals set for the firm which must be achieved through its strategies and also to make sure that they keep the strategies simple and easy to understand and not to confuse it with its goals and visions. When the strategies are void of any of these commonalities is when we can say that we have a near perfect strategy. References Websites 1),( accessed on 18th may 2011 2) porter, Michael.†Why do Good Managers set Bad Strategies†. Nov 1st 2006, accessed on 18th May 2011 3) Jarzabkowski, Paula. â€Å"Strategy as Practice Recursiveness, Adaptation and Strategic Practices-in-use†. July 2002 Rumelt, Richard, McKinsey Quarterly,†The perils of bad strategy†, 2011 Issue 1. Accessed from business source premier on the 19th May 2011
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Literature Review on Web3D Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Literature Review on Web3D Technology - Essay Example This particular technology is beginning to transform the way that the Internet and various platforms are used and are looking at and are creating a different approach to programming and specific applications (Basanow et al, 65). While Web 3D is providing a specific alternative to technology, there are also questions on how this application will be used with the Internet as well as what the potential will be with the concepts that are being applied. The Web 3D application is not only important to consider in terms of technological components for the Internet, but also becomes essential to understand with responses and the environment that is being created for end – users that are introduced to Web 3D. One of the main Web 3D uses is with Adobe Flash Based programming. Understanding how Web 3D relates to this specific module as well as how it can be improved then provides a stronger understanding of the evolution of the designs used for Web 3D. The scope of this project is to define what Web 3D is and how it is currently being integrated into the Internet. There will also be specific information based on Adobe and how this is creating a specific set of results for those using the Internet. The literature review described will be based on the current trends and specifications of the concept of 3D as well as how this is changing specific concepts in terms of technology. The question that is being raised is one that is based on how this will transfer into the future of the Internet and Web 3D. The different perspectives that have evolved from Web 3D technology have provided insight into the evolution of the technology as well as how it is affecting the Internet. The different concepts that are available are able to show how the specific technology has evolved as well as what the potential options are for the technology to grow and evolve in the future. The importance that is noted in the literature shows that there is the ability for
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Wal-Mart and Multi-Brand Retailing in India Assignment
Wal-Mart and Multi-Brand Retailing in India - Assignment Example Discovering new markets and designing new products have always been like adventures. It involves risks that can even jeopardize a firm’s existence. On the other hand, it involves potential returns that can take the firm to newer heights. After the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, the consumer demand in the developed world has remained tepid for a long time. At this situation the global growth is being mainly driven by the emerging markets. Among the emerging markets, while China has a good investment story, India has a good consumption story. Here in this paper, we will look at the possible strategies and their implications for starting a multi brand retail chain in India from the perspective of retail giant, Wal-Mart’s. It is necessary to mention here that the Indian Parliament has not given green signal to foreign investment in multi-brand retail. Wal-Mart has existence in India via the joint venture Bharti Wal-Mart Private Limited. Bharti Enterprises is one of Indiaà ¢â‚¬â„¢s foremost production houses. In the context of this contract, Bharti and Wal-Mart possess ‘50:50 stakes’ in Bharti Wal-Mart Private Limited. It is setting up wholesale cash-and-carry provisions and back-end supply chain administration systems to be at par with Government of India rules. The ‘first Wholesale Cash-and-carry facility named "Best Price Modern Wholesale" opened in Amritsar in May 2009 and subsequently in Zirakpur, Jalandhar, Kota, Bhopal, Ludhiana, Raipur, Indore, Vijaywada, Meerut, Agra, Lucknow, Jammu, Guntur, Aurangabad, Bathinda and Amravati’ ... Also, the process of reaching agreements with emerging market customers was ‘cumbersome and lengthy’. At the same time, there was not much information about the market potential and associated strategies for the emerging markets (Cavusgil et al. 2002, pp.17-18). Diffusion of skills, processes, and technologies throughout the global markets resulted in a convergence. The difference between budding markets and the industrial economies is narrowing. The forecast potential of these markets is increasing (Khanna & Palepu, 2010, p.13). Now the market potential is no longer too small for marketing efforts. Many emerging economies are investing in transportation, power, and communication infrastructure. Also the modern management techniques and close working relationship with foreign counterparties have helped to bring down the cost of sales. Though there are inter-cultural differences, managers have realized the value of a global ‘win-win’ relationship (Cavusgil et al. 2002, pp.18-19). The opportunities connected with low-income markets are becoming gradually more obvious to both scholars and managers. There is evidently more than meets the eye when considering customers with annual purchasing power parity (PPP) of $1500 or less (Prahalad & Hart, 2002, p.2). A vast majority of people work chiefly in the big, unseen, informal economies. These are not reflected in official gross national product or purchasing power parity statistics. Across the globe, it has been expected that the unofficial sector comprises more than $9 trillion in unregistered assets. The value of economic transactions in these sectors may even surpass that has been recorded for the formal economic sectors (London & Hart, 2004, p.2). The superiority and extent of the obtainable product and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Internation Finance Essay Example for Free
Internation Finance Essay What was Nick Leeson’s strategy to earn trading profits on derivatives? Leeson was trading derivatives contracts on the two exchanges that were, in some cases, of different types and, in some cases, in mismatched amounts. He was hoping making profits by selling put and call options on the same underlying financial instrument, the Nikkei 225 Index. 2) What went wrong that caused his strategy to fail? He thought as the Nikkei was already low that it could not plummeted lower but due to among other reason, an earthquake and the volatility of the market it went even lower, at that time nick was already â€Å"all in â€Å" and could not correct his position. Also at a certain point he had contracted a lot of futures without enough options to hedge his position which put him or in this case the bank money at high risks. 3) Why did Nick Leeson establish a bogus error account (88888) when a legitimate account already existed? He created this account to be able to perform is unauthorized trading and hide his lost from Barings as this account was not shown on the statements transmitted to London. 4) Why did Barings and its auditors not discover that the error account was used by Leeson for unauthorised trading? The error account had been presenting by Leeson as a customer account, that’s why his activities were unknown for quite a long time. 5) Why did none of the regulatory authorities in Singapore, Japan, and the United kingdom discover the true use of the error account? Fist of all because Nick Leeson was in charge of the back office, letting him he possible to hide easily what he wanted. Also as we said above this account was represented as a customer account and differently to each group. 6) Why was Barings Bank willing to transfer large cash sums to Barings Futures Singapore? As Leeson lost money, he had to pay those losses to SIMEX in the form of margin. By falsifying accounts and making various misrepresentations, he was able to secure funding from various companies within the Barings organization and from client accounts. For example, he claimed that he needed funds to make margin payments on behalf of BSS clients. Therefore Barings believed that they were not exposed to any looses as Leeson claimed that he was executing purchase orders on behalf of clients 7) Why did the attempt by the bank of England to organize a bailout for Barings fail? No one wanted to assume to take the additional risk concerning the additional looses that were not yet determined. 8) Suggest regulatory and management reforms that might prevent a future debacle of the type that bankrupted Barings. -Separate trading, accounting and settlement activities. -More employees supervision -Clear reporting line -Consolidation of the activities of every branch.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Essay --
Ross Ebster Scott Yates English 1B 16 November 2013 Waking Up From the Nightmare: From Marx to Miller Arthur Miller’s Death Of A Salesman is a modern day tragedy that roots itself with those who try to obtain the American Dream but are unsuccessful in their pursuit. Miller’s play revolves around the continual chase of this ideology and poses the question of whether attempting to â€Å"keep up with the Joneses†can be more of a nightmare than dream. Karl Marx’s ideology introduces the socioeconomic conflict between the capitalists and the working class. Marx referred to these opposing forces as the â€Å"haves and have-nots†. Looking at Death Of A Salesman through Karl Marx’s viewpoint can help shed light to Miller’s commentary and possible rejection of American capitalism during the late 1940’s. The protagonist, Willy Loman shows an insatiable struggle to fit into the right part of society and his desperation to have himself and his sons as one of the â€Å"haves†. The view Miller gives of the American Dream shows the soc ial and economic perspective of post-war America and how those views relate to social class. To fully understand this idea in context, one must define the idea of the American Dream. The basis of the American Dream at that time was that financial success through capitalism was the sole foundation for happiness. Marx’s view also helps to point out the overt theme of materialism in the play. â€Å"Marx professed materialism but generally tried to distinguish his views from the mechanical materialism which regarded man as a machine, or which reduced all human behavior to the laws of physics and chemistry†(Mayo 34). To Marx, materialism was a neutral notion; neither moral nor immoral. It was comprised of a simple acceptance of the â€Å"evid... ...changed young Biff’s life. â€Å"That boy  that boy is going to be magnificent! (Ben appears in the light just outside the kitchen.) . . .Yes, outstanding, with twenty thousand behind him.†(cite) Part of what makes this play so tragic is that if Willy had chosen acceptance and individuality instead of materialism he would have seen he had already achieved the American Dream by having the love of his family. Much of this play parallels the author’s own life, â€Å"He grew up white and Jewish in Harlem. Mr. Miller's comfortable childhood in the era of radio was transformed by his father's ruin in the Depression and the family's forced move from their Upper West Side apartment at the edge of Harlem to Brooklyn†(Shattuck 43). Death Of A Salesman heeds a well-deserved warning about the dangers of materialism and the risk of using capitalism as the sole backbone of prosperity.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Clown with Long Nose by Walt Kuhn
â€Å"When art is made new, we are made new with it. We have a sense of solidarity with our own time, and of psychic energies shared and redoubled, which is just about the most satisfying thing that life has to offer. â€Å"If that is possible,†we say to ourselves, â€Å"then everything is possible†; a new phase in the history of human awareness has been opened, just as it was opened up when people first read Dante, or first heard Bach’s 48 preludes and fugues, or first learned Hamlet and King Lear. †(Russell 13) This new art spoken of, the coined â€Å"secret revolution†that was a part of the new phase opened up, was modern art. This revolutionary form began shortly before 1914 (Russell 126) and is still present today. It was during this time period that artist Walt Kuhn gained great popularity and his work Clown With Long Nose was painted. It is important, before looking at the painting, to first understand the purpose and direction modern art usually has. â€Å"The entire gamut of modern art can be viewed from the vantage point of the artist’s attitude towards the object, an examination which should throw some light on the larger problem of how the modern artist chooses to interweave art and reality and, ultimately, of what constitutes reality for him (Johnson 11). A major part of interpreting modern art lies within determining that reality. Viewers search for their own meaning in the painting since the simplicity of most modern works leaves much room for imagination. When the modernism phase of artwork began it was not exactly obvious to the public, but over time there â€Å"came about a general awareness that there was such thing as a modern sensibility, and that that sensibility had the key to modern life (Russell 126)†. It was thought that if one was modern they had to easily be able to notice changes of life and be accommodating of â€Å"the unconscious and the irrational†side of humans (Russell 126). These aspects will later influence the works of Walt Kuhn in his various oil paintings of the time. Born in Brooklyn, New York, a cultural mecca for all things up and coming, in the year 1877, Walt Kuhn began making a living out his craft at a young age (â€Å"American Modernist†). He sold his first painting when he was only 15 to a small magazine, and quickly chose the career path of an artist. Though he â€Å"did not emerge as a mature painter until he was fifty years old (Wall plaque)†, Kuhn ‘s cartoonist and set designer background helped him turn his â€Å"multi-faceted interests†into a lifestyle. â€Å"After he began cartooning professionally inn1899, Kuhn decided to acquire art training and traveled to Paris to study at the Academie Colarossi (Wall plaque). †He was a big fan of modernism, and so, despite his traditional tendencies, the form randomly showed itself in his own work. He found is theme in the mid- twenties when he began to paint large canvases featuring single figures, usually circus performers or clowns. (Wall plaque). †The figures may have represented a counterculture of the flamboyant, flapper time period of the twenties, or possibly, they could depict some part of Kuhn that maybe felt like an outcast or somewhat of an oddity in society. It is not really known but generally his pictures were â€Å"depicted with solem n demeanor (Wall plaque)†and not all that pleasant to look at. Contradictory to Kuhn’s norm however, â€Å"Clown With Long Nose has an unusually animated expression, addressing the viewer with a look of clever self-satisfaction ad mischievous delight (Wall plaque)†. This work is a very good representation of the artist in that it stays true to his circus character subject, and like cartoons, the painting plays on the hope that people’s sense of humor will appreciate it as a new way to think about and look at art. The reason it can be considered a modern work of art is the ability it gives its viewers to interpret. Unlike the preceding realist period, this work leaves the viewer room to wonder. Questions like â€Å"What is the clown smirking at? †and â€Å"What is he staring out? †can all be pondered while looking at the painting. It aesthetically pleasing enough and has just enough quirks to it to make this painting one to remember and a good example of what some twentieth century art looks like. Through his education and appreciation for the art of which he lived in, Walt Kuhn was able to create not a masterpiece, but a story with his Clown With Long Nose painting. It may not be the most serious or useful peace of artwork from the time period, and it more than likely does not have some deep message or meaning hidden behind its brush strokes; however, the 1936 painting is fun to look at. A viewer is able to look at it for what it is and determine his or her own personal value for the work. It is a good addition to the modernism period and to the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Background Statement
My life has always been about making choices and striving to make a difference. I was born in Asia, and late moved to the United States to continue my studies. I could definitely say that my perception about life, including my goals and dreams in life have been formed due to the experiences I had in my life. I grew up taking care of my father, who was obese. As a young child, preparing my father’s food was not much of a big deal; however, this came in as a challenge as I grew older. For this, I decided to hone myself to become a registered dietician. As a student, I have always been hardworking and persevering.My grades were impressive enough for other people to look up to me. I would have grades that would range from A’s to B’s, but nothing lower than that. My parents would always tell me how proud they are to see my dedication to become successful in life. I would always remind others that having a good education would be advantageous for me in the real world. Regardless of this, I would not forget how to care for the welfare of those I love most. Although my main concern has been about the safety of my family and friends, I also want to make sure that I could be of service to those who were in need.As mentioned earlier, I have been exposed to the realities of life at a young age. I was honed further through the endeavors that I had in my life. These included my involvement in the Dietetics department of the Family Nutrition Program of the Ohio State University. I was responsible for data entry and in the preparation of the materials to be used in the program. I was further trained through my experience as a production supervisor for on-campus dining. The task was tedious, for I had to make sure that everything was in place. However, I am still grateful for I was able to learn how to become a well rounded individual.Furthermore, I also believe that I possess the leadership capabilities deemed from your perspective students. I used to work as an orientation leader for the Ohio State University, where I learned how to deal with different kinds of people. As the orientation leader, I was expected to give students an overview of the school they were about to study in, and patiently answer all of their queries. This kind of role may become irrelevant for some, but I believe otherwise. In every aspect of life, patience and dedication for the craft have always been considered essential in one’s success.Moreover, seeing the people become contented with my service also became my driving force in life. I know that my family would always find something good and appreciative in my craft. However, the kind of happiness that I give others cannot be repaid by monetary terms. Through our exchange of thoughts and words, I am able to share with others another side of me that not everyone could see. In this regard, I feel an extraordinary kind of fulfillment wherein I am able to share my talents and become a helping hand in the ir world.I know that I may sound young to have such a wide perception about life. But this is the way things go. My parents have brought me up to always take the feelings and welfare of others into consideration. In our own way, we should not only think of ourselves, especially during hard and trying times. As my father became obese, I have set my mind in giving back the care and compassion that he has shown me all these years. In this regard, I would also expand that extraordinary care by being of service to others.My dreams and aspirations in life do not end after college. I plan to work in the different areas that concern dietetics and hone my knowledge further. The experiences would help me to become an effective Registered Dietician in the future, and eventually widen this knowledge further by spreading my wings in the United States. Having lifetime goals and aspirations in life should never be considered negatively by people. These are the little dreams that keep people, like me, going – working hard in order to achieve a better future for myself and the people around me.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Helping The Impoverished
If I were to win the Lottery, I believe that I have a moral obligation to share some of my winnings with the Darfurians or others less fortunate than myself. I was raised with the moral values that it is the right thing to do. It is the right thing to do because impoverished people, such as the Darfurians, need it more than I do and it would make them happier than if I spent the money on materialistic objects. I would also be thankful to have the opportunity to make a difference in someone else’s life and hopefully my actions would influence others to do the same. Some people do not have the same opportunities or support to achieve not only their goals, but to fulfill their basic needs for living, such as food, water, shelter and clothing. To donate money to these people so that they can provide necessities to their families would increase their happiness more than myself spending the money frivolously on meaningless items such as clothing, cars, and jewelry. By doing this, I would be maximizing the goodness that can come from a situation, therefore making it the right decision. I agree with my group member Richard Periera’s suggestion that since the Darfurians are being deprived of the rights to life, food, and water. Since I have money in abundance to help satisfy their needs, I am obligated to help them. I feel as if I treat others the way I would want to be treated. If I were in a difficult financial situation, I would help someone in the hopes that that would repay me and help me if I, or anyone else for that matter, was ever in the same need or situation. If I gave money to impoverished people, then hopefully they would be able to get out of the situation they are in and go on to improve themselves. They would not only have essentials for living, but also be able to obtain an education and job opportunities so that they can too make enough money to donate to people that were in an unfortunate situation. This would c... Free Essays on Helping The Impoverished Free Essays on Helping The Impoverished If I were to win the Lottery, I believe that I have a moral obligation to share some of my winnings with the Darfurians or others less fortunate than myself. I was raised with the moral values that it is the right thing to do. It is the right thing to do because impoverished people, such as the Darfurians, need it more than I do and it would make them happier than if I spent the money on materialistic objects. I would also be thankful to have the opportunity to make a difference in someone else’s life and hopefully my actions would influence others to do the same. Some people do not have the same opportunities or support to achieve not only their goals, but to fulfill their basic needs for living, such as food, water, shelter and clothing. To donate money to these people so that they can provide necessities to their families would increase their happiness more than myself spending the money frivolously on meaningless items such as clothing, cars, and jewelry. By doing this, I would be maximizing the goodness that can come from a situation, therefore making it the right decision. I agree with my group member Richard Periera’s suggestion that since the Darfurians are being deprived of the rights to life, food, and water. Since I have money in abundance to help satisfy their needs, I am obligated to help them. I feel as if I treat others the way I would want to be treated. If I were in a difficult financial situation, I would help someone in the hopes that that would repay me and help me if I, or anyone else for that matter, was ever in the same need or situation. If I gave money to impoverished people, then hopefully they would be able to get out of the situation they are in and go on to improve themselves. They would not only have essentials for living, but also be able to obtain an education and job opportunities so that they can too make enough money to donate to people that were in an unfortunate situation. This would c...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Certificacin laboral PERM para green card por trabajo
Certificacin laboral PERM para green card por trabajo La certificacià ³n laboral PERM es uno de los primeros requerimientos que deben cumplir las empresas que quieren patrocinar una tarjeta de residencia (green card) a trabajadores extranjeros. El PERM, que son las siglas que se utilizan en inglà ©s para referirse a este requisito, es un paso previo y necesario a la solicitud de la green card al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En otras palabras, sin la aprobacià ³n del PERM por parte del Departamento de Trabajo (DoL, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) no es posible iniciar los trmites migratorios. En este artà culo se explica los pasos para obtener el PERM, para quà © categorà as de peticià ³n de la green card por trabajo es necesario, tiempo de demora de su tramitacià ³n, quà © sucede con la familia del trabajador para el que se solicita el PERM y otras opciones para trabajar en Estados Unidos Pasos para obtener la green card por trabajo y cunto tiene lugar el PERM El PERM es el segundo paso en la tramitacià ³n de una green card por trabajo. El primero paso es que una empresa està © dispuesta a patrocinar a un trabajador extranjero especà fico. Estas son las 100 empresas que patrocinan un mayor nà ºmero de tarjetas de residencia. Esta es una informacià ³n importante porque brinda una idea clara de quà © tipo de empresas suelen patrocinar y para quà © tipo de trabajo. Sin embargo, esto no quiere decir que las empresas pequeà ±as no patrocinen o no puedan hacerlo. Todo lo contrario. Pero lo cierto es que las grandes, particularmente en algunos sectores como el tecnolà ³gico, estn ms acostumbradas a hacerlo y estn ms familiarizadas con el proceso. El segundo paso en la tramitacià ³n de la green card por patrocinio de empresa es presentar el PERM ante el Departamento de Trabajo (DoL, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Una vez que se obtiene la aprobacià ³n del PERM tiene lugar el tercer paso, que es presentar la peticià ³n ante el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Y finalmente, el à ºltimo paso se desarrolla con el Departamento de Estado si el trabajador est fuera de Estados Unidos, ya que la visa de inmigrante se obtiene en una embajada o consulado de los Estados  Unidos. Hay que destacar que los migrantes en Estados Unidos en situacià ³n de ilegalidad deben consultar con un abogado antes de iniciar cualquier tipo de trmite, porque en la mayorà a de los casos el tener una empresa dispuesta a patrocinar no va a servir de nada como camino hacia la regularizacià ³n. Todo lo contrario, sirve para alertar a las autoridades migratorias. Peticiones de green card cuando es necesario el PERM: EB-2 y EB-3 Para casi todos los casos en los que se patrocina una green card a travà ©s de estas categorà as es necesario obtener un PERM (ver ms abajo las excepciones). En primer lugar, la categorà a conocida como EB-2 o segunda preferencia. Pueden beneficiarse los profesionales con una maestrà a o estudios superiores o tambià ©n las personas con habilidades excepcionales en los Negocios, las Artes y las Ciencias. Hay 40,000 visas de inmigrante asignadas por aà ±o fiscal para esta categorà a. En segundo lugar, la categorà a EB-3 o Tercera preferencia y Otros trabajadores que aplica a: Profesionales con licenciatura o egresados universitarios, es decir, el equivalente a el B.A. o el B.S. de Estados Unidos. Personas sin estudios universitarios pero con una habilidad profesional especial y experiencia laboral mà nima de dos aà ±os. Personas sin habilidades especiales pero cuyo trabajo requiere una experiencia laboral de al menos dos aà ±os. Sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta que la certificacià ³n laboral PERM no se requiere para los extranjeros que alegan que la tarjeta deberà a otorgrsele por razones de:  Interà ©s Nacional, es lo que se conoce como NIW, por sus siglas en inglà ©s dentro de la categorà a EB-2Habilidad extraordinaria en la categorà a EB-1, inversià ³n EB-5, o trabajadores especiales incluidos en la categorà a EB-4, tales como trabajadores religiosos, extranjeros que han prestado ms de 12 aà ±os de servicio en el Ejà ©rcito de Estados Unidos, traductores iraquà es y afganos que han trabajado para Estados Unidos, etc. En quà © consiste el PERM La empresa estadounidense que desea patrocinar la green card a un trabajador extranjero debe obtener primero el PERM siguiendo 3 pasos. En primer lugar, el empleador americano debe publicitar la oferta de trabajo para asegurarse de que ningà ºn ciudadano americano, residente permanente, refugiado, asilado o persona con un permiso de trabajo est dispuesto y quiere desempeà ±ar ese empleo. Se trata de asegurar de que si hay ya en los Estados Unidos personas cualificadas que pueden trabajar, à ©stas opten al trabajo. Para ello, la empresa debe realizar labores para intentar encontrar un trabajador por un mà nimo de 30 dà as y un mximo de 180. Las condiciones son tambià ©n diferentes segà ºn se trate de una ocupacià ³n profesional o no. En segundo lugar, debe comunicarse con la NPWC –una oficina federal- para saber cul es el salario que se paga por el puesto de trabajo que se ofrece. Y es que ningà ºn extranjero puede cobrar menos y recibir beneficios laborales inferiores a los que cobran las personas nacionales en ese mismo puesto de trabajo, para evitar que las personas de otros paà ses presionen hacia abajo los salarios. Y en tercer lugar, el empleador debe rellenar electrà ³nicamente la planilla ETA Form 9089 en la pgina web del Departamento de Trabajo (DoL). Para ello debe crearse previamente una cuenta de usuario.  ¿Quà © examina el DoL para decidir si aprueba un PERM? El DoL bsicamente verifica tres cosas: que la empresa està © respetando todas las regulaciones que no hay en Estados Unidos una persona que pueda trabajar, que està © capacitada para el trabajo que se ofrece y que està © dispuesta a hacerlo.que el empleo de una persona extrajera no afecta negativamente ni al salario ni a las condiciones laborales de trabajadores estadounidenses que se desempeà ±an en posiciones similares. El caso de empresas que quieren patrocinar a familiares El DoL pone especial atencià ³n a los casos en los que existe una relacià ³n familiar entre quien contrata y el patrocinado. En concreto la pregunta C.9 pide especà ficamente seà ±alar si el dueà ±o de la empresa o algà ºn socio, oficial o accionista es familiar el patrocinado. Y en este contexto el tà ©rmino de familia debe entenderse en sentido amplio e incluye a: cà ³nyuges, hijos, padres, abuelos, nietos, tà os y primos en cualquier grado. El và nculo puede ser por sangre, adopcià ³n o matrimonio. Si se puede probar que la necesidad de ese trabajador es de buena fe, el DoL aprobar el PERM, pero si el oficial a cargo del caso cree que se trata simplemente de querer contratar a un familiar pero hay ya en Estados Unidos un trabajador que puede ocupar ese trabajo, negar la peticià ³n. Tener en cuenta que contestar a esa pregunta otra cosa que no sea la verdad constituye un fraude de ley y que en el momento en que se descubre puede dar lugar bien a la negacià ³n del PERM o, si ya ha sido aprobado, a su revocacià ³n. Tiempo de demora para la certificacià ³n laboral por el DoL Generalmente, el DoL aspira a dar una respuesta en el plazo mximo de 60 dà as. Sin embargo, en la actualidad se est demorando ms llegando a casi 90 dà as. Adems, si por cualquier razà ³n le ha tocado a la peticià ³n ser auditada, se requerir informacià ³n adicional al empleador y el trmite se demorar ms tiempo. Si la certificacià ³n de laboral PERM es aprobada, entonces el empleador debe dirigirse en un plazo mximo de 180 dà as al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Tras rellenar la planilla I-140 se iniciar el proceso migratorio. Si el trabajador est legalmente en EEUU, por ejemplo, con una visa H1-B vlida y no hay que esperar para que la haya visas de inmigrante (tarjetas de residencia) disponibles para la categorà a para la que se pide al trabajador, entonces se puede solicitar al mismo tiempo un ajuste de estatus mediante la planilla I-485. Si no hay visa de inmigrante disponible, no se puede solicitar todavà a el ajuste y hay que esperar legalmente a tener una para poder hacerlo. Lo mismo sucede cuando el trabajador est en el extranjero, si hay visa de inmigrante disponible se iniciar el proceso consular para concederle la visa para viajar a EEUU. La tarjeta de residencia se activar una vez que entra al paà s mediante un sello en el pasaporte. Pero si no hay visa disponible, tendr que esperar.  ¿Quà © es esto de si hay visa de inmigrante disponible? Puede suceder que en el caso de trmites tarjetas de residencia por empleo dentro de la categorà a EB-3  el nà ºmero de solicitudes sea superior al nà ºmero de visas de inmigrante que hay disponibles para esa categorà a. En estos casos se puede producir una demora entre la aprobacià ³n del USCIS y la fecha en la que se inician los à ºltimos trmites. Adems, esta espera puede afectar ms a los nacionales de determinados paà ses, ya que se establece un là mite por aà ±o fiscal no sà ³lo en el nà ºmero total de visas de inmigrante que se pueden dar en una determinada categorà a, sino tambià ©n en el porcentaje mximo que puede ir a los nacionales de un paà s. Para verificar cunto se puede demorar, checar la fecha de prioridad de la aplicacià ³n con la que publica cada mes el Departamento de Estado (DoS) en su Boletà n de Visas, dentro de la categorà a correspondiente. Tener en cuenta que la fecha de prioridad cuando ha sido necesario el PERM es la de presentacià ³n de papeles en el DoL mientras que si no ha sido necesaria es la fecha de presentacià ³n del formulario I-140 ante el USCIS. Familiares de trabajadores patrocinados para green card por razà ³n de trabajo El cà ³nyuge y los hijos solteros de 21 aà ±os de un trabajador para el que se patrocina una green card por estas categorà as tambià ©n pueden obtener sus propias residencias permanentes. A efectos migratorios, el tà ©rmino cà ³nyuge incluye tanto a los matrimonios entre un varà ³n y una mujer como a los celebrados vlidamente entre 2 personas del mismo sexo.  ¿Dà ³nde obtener ayuda para completar el PERM? Si se tiene algà ºn problema de carcter tà ©cnico como, por ejemplo, haber olvidado el PIN de usuario, se puede enviar un correo electrà ³nico a: Si se tiene alguna duda o inquietud sobre algà ºn aspecto del PERM, como por ejemplo, dà ³nde se debe publicitar el reclutamiento y cà ³mo, contactar por correo electrà ³nico con el Departamento de trabajo en la siguiente direccià ³n: En todo caso, el PERM es un asunto que requiere conocimientos migratorios y  tà ©cnicos por lo que es aconsejable asesorarse con un abogado. Cuando se obtiene el PERM pero la peticià ³n de green card no es aprobada Es posible que a pesar de tener una empresa dispuesta a patrocinar y de obtener el OK del Departamento de Trabajo al PERM al final de toda la tramitacià ³n se niegue la solicitud de la tarjeta de residencia. Las razones pueden ser muy variadas pero se resumen en una sola palabra: inelegible. Y es que para obtener la green card tanto a travà ©s del procedimiento consular o por medio de un ajuste de estatus es necesario ser elegible. Si por una causa se es inelegible, la residencia no es aprobada. Dependiendo de la causa en algunos casos ser posible obtenerla ms tarde, dejando pasar un tiempo. En otros la opcià ³n puede ser solicitar un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso. Y, en otras situaciones no se puede hacer nada con las leyes actuales en mano y no se obtendr la green card. Otras opciones migratorias para trabajar Para trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos se necesita un documento que explà citamente lo permita, como por ejemplo una visa de trabajo, una de intercambio admitiendo la visa J-1 muchas variedades o un permiso de trabajo. En todo caso, aceptar un trabajo sin tener documentos migratorios que lo permitan es una violacià ³n migratoria. No confundir PERM con LCA La certificacià ³n laboral aplica cuando se quiere patrocinar a un trabajador extranjero en las categorà as EB-2 y EB-3, es decir, esto es un proceso distinto al de Aplicacià ³n de Condicià ³n Laboral (LCA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), que es un paso previo que se necesita realizar ante el Departamento de Trabajo pero para las visa de trabajo temporal H-1B. Este es un artà culo informativo. no es asesorà a legal.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Public health population process Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Public health population process - Case Study Example F. In relation to spread and survivability the graph is showing that the incidence or the new cases have fallen since 1991. There was a minor increase in 1997 but the incidence has remained constant since then. It shows that the spread of AIDS is less than it was in the early years between 1980 and 1990. It also indicates that the survival rates have improved significantly since with more persons with HIV/AIDS living longer. Most of the persons who caught the disease between 1980 and 1990 did not survive and so the rate of growth did not have any substantial increase during that period up to 1996. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011). HIV surveillance report: Diagnoses of HIV infection and AIDS in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2009 Volume 21. Retrieved from US Census Bureau. (n.d.). 2005-2005 American Community Survey. Retrieved from:
Friday, November 1, 2019
Diabetes and ways to prevent diabetes Research Paper
Diabetes and ways to prevent diabetes - Research Paper Example It will expound on these areas to bring out the real situation of diabetes in the world. More than 20 million people in the United States suffer from the diabetes disease, accounting for over eight percent of the whole population. Research has shown that there are three types of diabetes, where all of them have their own causes and occurrence. This disease affects all people regardless of their ethnicity, race, age and gender. With the high prevalence of diabetes in the modern society, it is important to gain knowledge about its causes to help in its prevention and control (1). The main causes of diabetes are either absolute lack of production of the insulin in the body or inability to process the insulin produced. The body requires energy to function well. It receives this energy in the form of starches and sugars, found in the foods consumed. The body produces the insulin, the hormone that changes food into energy (Cook, 2). There are two major types of diabetes. The first type of diabetes, type 1, occurs due to deficiency of the insulin after the destruction of the pancreatic b-cell islets. The type 2 diabetes happens due to insulin resistance or irregular insulin emission (Zimmet & Shaw, 782). Type two of diabetes accounts for 90 to 95% of diabetes cases. In addition, type 2 diabetes accounts for the recent epidemic outbreak of diabetes (Cheng, 2). In addition to type 1 and type 2 diabetes, there is exists the Gestational diabetes, which commonly occur during pregnancy. There are high chances of women who experiences gestational to develop diabetes type 2 after the pregnancy. The treatment of diabetes will depend on the severity of the disease (Case, 4). There are other unclassified types of diabetes caused by particular genetic imperfections of beta-cell function, insulin action, drugs or chemicals or diseases of the pancreas. These unclassified types of
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Introduction to Languages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Introduction to Languages - Essay Example Loose Ladies My point was is that I feel like want to raise more awareness am in a position where I can’t just pick myself and just go thank God hating hasn’t stopped they need us to help them keep close to them. Phonetic transcription m aÉ ª p É’ É ª Å‹ t w É’ s É ª s ÃŽ ¸ É‘: t aÉ ª f i: l l aÉ ª k e aÉ ª w à ¦ Å‹ t t ÊŠr eÉ ª s e m É’ É‘: w e É‘: n e s s É‘: m É ª n p É’ s É ª t É ª É’ n weÉ™Ê ³ e É‘: É ª k É‘: n t dÊ’ ÊÅ' s t p É ª k m aÉ ª s e l f É‘: n d dÊ’ ÊÅ' s t g É’. ÃŽ ¸ n k g É’ d h à ¦ t É ª Å‹ g h É‘: s n t s t É’ p p e d ÃŽ ¸ eÉ ª n i: d ÊÅ' s t ÊŠh e l p ÃŽ ¸ e m k i: p k l É’ s t ÊŠÎ ¸ e m. Q2.1 A morpheme is a combination of sounds, which can give a specific meaning. There are two types of morphemes free morphemes and bound morphemes. A free morpheme can stand alone and give complete meaning while a bound morpheme cannot give meaning on its own. Examples of free morphemes include cat, dog cow, house, computer and television. An Example of a bound morpheme is in the word dogs (Bauer B 2007). The letter â€Å"s†is a bound morpheme since it cannot give any meaning just on its own, it must accompany another morpheme to make meaning. A house is a place used by man for staying. A dog is an animal kept by man for security purposes. It alerts him when there is danger at night or during the day. A computer is a machine used by man to process and store information. A television is equipment used to give information through audiovisual means from a broadcasting station and a cow is a type of cattle kept by man for providing milk. In language A, Mu means yam while pa means a house. In plural, the words change to pemu and pepa respectively. This means that the prefix pe is used as bound morpheme to give meaning that the items are in plural. Q2.2 Speaking or writing singular words in requires that one must use articles like an, and a, for uncountable noun for countable nouns in English respectively. Language A does not follow this rule. A good example is â€Å"mu tekan peho†meaning â€Å"a yam is burning.†The article â€Å"a†is not necessary in Language A while it must appear before a noun in English. The second arise in the order of tenses. Tekan indicates present action while tekan with a suffix le at the end of the verb indicates an activity that will continue in future. ‘Is’ in English show a present continuous activity while future continuous tense use will be together with ing at the end of the verb. This is clearly indicated by these examples from language A and Englis h. â€Å"pemu tekan pehole†which means â€Å"yams will be burning (Bauer B 2007).†â€Å"Mu tekan peho†which means, â€Å"a yam is burning.†Task 3 The word black in the first sentence means that all employees ought to put on shoes that painted black only. The color of shoes must be black for all people who expect to do such jobs. Pitch black is a phrase, which indicates that when there is no light darkness cover the house. Therefore, in this context, the darkness covers the house when lights go off. One has to express openly his points clearly for others to understand. In some occasions, it might be difficult to identify which group is right. When there is no clarity of points the words black and white indicates the inability to identify whether a point is right or wrong. During funerals, there is rampart sadness in and around the home of the bereaved. All people who come to the funeral sympathize and comfort the bereaved (Bauer B 2007). In this case, the word black means those sad moments related to death. On this day people where black clothes to indicate their sorrowful moments. There are different forms of tea in
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